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Tsunami scare brings
out bad decisions
Re. “Tsunami surge, floods in Bay Area after volcano erupts in the Pacific,” Page A1, Jan. 16:
As I looked at the picture of a firetruck in your paper watching surfers rush to the tsunami waves, I found myself wondering what responsibility we really have to rescue people who take ridiculous risks.
After all, for anyone to venture into dangerous waves and currents to rescue a surfer, they must risk their own lives. Why is it OK to expect rescue when you are deliberately endangering your life? Waves can increase in volume very quickly, and by the time you took pictures, everyone knew the danger.
I think we need to take a look at our rescue squads and let them off the hook. At some point, let adults make bad decisions and then suffer the consequences. Personal responsibility seems to be a lesson too few learn. We need to change that.
Denise Kalm
Walnut Creek
Find new uses
for rodeo spaces
I agree with Eric Mills that rodeo “belongs in the dustbin of history.” (“‘Feel-good’ story reminds of rodeo’s brutality,” Page A6, Jan. 4) It would be laughable if it weren’t so cruel. Real men and women don’t prove their worth by degrading others.
Instead of abusing, injuring, and even killing animals for a few money-losing days every year, not to mention the kids who get injured in the toddler events, the Rowell Ranch Rodeo grounds, in particular, could be a year-round profitable attraction as a farm animal sanctuary and education center teaching real and useful animal husbandry skills.
Let’s discontinue rodeo’s senseless displays of abuse and instead teach some worthy and admirable skills.
Elizabeth Fisher
Pleasant Hill
Column merely talks
around election dangers
Victor Davis Hanson’s column “Why is the left now worried about end of democracy?” Page A7, Dec. 17 is a ruse.
The piece cites facts to seem credible, but none of those facts talks about why folks are frightened. The article doesn’t talk about states that have enacted laws removing venerable election officials (red and blue) that refused (rightfully) to negate the last election. Others are allowing intimidation of trustworthy officials until they quit, ensuring that partisans rule. The piece is quite comfortable talking around these issues as if a select few should get to choose who governs.
The lie that the last election was fraudulent has been discounted by folks of credibility and high integrity, yet this piece continues to purport without evidence that “800,000 foreign(ers) … some illegally … will vote.” What Americans are afraid of is a country where politicians, not the “people,” choose leaders.
Antonio Inserni
Invest surplus in kids
to strengthen country
As a single mother, I have worked at many jobs in my life; teacher, waitress, door-to-door sales, fitness instructor, etc. I consider myself very blessed and lucky to have made some excellent investments that allow me a very comfortable retirement, and I can give considerable amounts to many charitable causes. I also pay a lot of taxes.
So I think I have a right to request my tax money go to making this an economically strong country in which I can be proud to live. That country invests my taxes in things like protecting American children from poverty, with investments in child tax credits, allowing children the benefits of higher education and earnings. That’s how you make a great and economically strong country.
Tari Nicholson
Press Manchin, Sinema
to secure voter rights
In a democracy, the most foundational freedom we have is the freedom to vote. This freedom is under threat from voter suppression laws in the states. But the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act will undo those laws.
Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin say they want to pass the law, but they don’t want to do what it takes to pass it: amend the filibuster. The filibuster is an arcane rule that undermines bipartisanship and gives the minority veto power over the majority.
The day after MLK Day, those two senators will have a simple, clear choice when the Senate begins debate on the bill. Side with Dr. King – or side with voter suppression?
They’ve both said they care deeply about democracy. This is their chance to be voting rights heroes. Please, senators: make the right choice and help make the promise of democracy real for us all.
Nancy Latham
Impeachment vote
deserves support
Rep. David Valadao’s vote to impeach Donald Trump was principled and courageous. The Hanford gentlemen in The Mercury News article must believe the “Big Lie.” (“Bad blood,” Page A1, Jan. 16)
I would ask these gentlemen, how was this election fraudulent? Who orchestrates the tasks to implement this fraud? Where do the ballots come from, who fills them out? Are they forgeries? Who puts the postage on them? Who attempts to vote in person knowing they are committing a felony? How are signatures checked?
The “tradecraft,” coordination, logistics, etc., to manage fraud on this scale is difficult to imagine. If the operation is expanded to other swing states, it defies logic to think that any organization could pull this off in the multiple state locations necessary to fraudulently elect President Biden. Donald Trump lost by 7 million votes.
Valadao has my support and will receive a letter thanking him for his courage.
Bob Douglass
Source: www.mercurynews.com