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Darrell Brooks Jr., the mass murder suspect in the Waukesha Christmas parade, was held over for trial on Friday after a judge found probable cause against the career criminal in connection with the horrific case, Fox News reported.

Brooks, 39, wore a red-orange jail-issued jumpsuit and his hair up as he sat with his attorneys and stared straight ahead with his hands in his lap. He is accused of driving his SUV through a crowd of revelers, killing six people – including a child – and hurting dozens more during the evening holiday festivities.

The six victims killed in the Waukesha parade attack were: Jackson Sparks, 8; Tamara Durand, 52; Jane Kulich, 52; LeAnna Owen, 71; Virginia Sorenson, 79; and Wilhelm, 81. 

During Friday’s hearing, the prosecution called to the stand Waukesha Police Detective Tom Casey, who testified under questioning from both sides about the events of November 21, when he was working in traffic enforcement for the parade.

Court Commissioner Kevin M. Costello determined the case would go to trial, and the arraignment date was set for February 11, 2022.

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