photos by Christopher Kolk

Jessica Hart stole our, well, hearts during the 2021 Inked Cover Girl Contest, so we wanted to have another look at her.

photos by Christopher Kolk

photos by Christopher Kolk

What is your most meaningful tattoo?

I just got this moth on my hand with my son’s birth time. Sterling was born on 4/20/21. I chose a moth because our lives are kind of renewing and starting fresh with a baby now. I never planned to have kids, so this is one tattoo that means a lot.

What was it like to compete in the cover contest while pregnant?

Being pregnant definitely felt empowering. It was nice too because I didn’t have to worry about my stomach, so it all looked good in my photos. I think a lot of people really loved the fact that just because I was pregnant didn’t mean I couldn’t complete.

photos by Christopher Kolk

photos by Christopher Kolk

What did you learn from your experience?

If there’s something you want to do in life, go for it. It doesn’t matter who you are or who stands behind you, if you want to do something, do it. Because you can.

photos by Christopher Kolk

photos by Christopher Kolk
