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As rain falls, state still
lacks adequate storage

In what clearly is becoming a drought replenishment year, I’m perplexed that there aren’t more reservoirs and retention ponds to capture this bounty. If sea-level rise is a valid concern why aren’t we capturing more water to replenish the aquifers rather than let it run into the sea

Seems like a lot of talk and hubris without any constructive action. Sounds about right for this clearly mismanaged state. My back yard is soggy flooded yet I get a list of penalties from my local water provider … and more increases in my water rates. Absurd mismanagement abounds.

Michael Cook

Pleasanton makes stride
in fighting tobacco use

The Alameda County Tobacco Control Program congratulates Pleasanton City Council on the successful passage of an ordinance to prohibit smoking in common areas of owned multi-unit housing (“City to restrict smoking at townhomes, condominiums,” Page B1, Dec. 13). Pleasanton already prohibits smoking in rental multi-unit housing.

Nationally, secondhand smoke continues to kill over 40,000 persons annually; it can travel through shared ventilation, along pipes, through electrical outlets, under doors and through windows. One person’s smoking behavior in multi-unit housing can affect many neighbors. Addressing smoking in multi-unit housing is especially important now with many persons at home significantly more often due to the COVID pandemic.

This ordinance and similar ones in other cities are about prohibiting smoking, a behavior that can be harmful to others, but not about persons who smoke. Nicotine is very addictive, and the tobacco industry aggressively targets youth to addict new generations to their products. Free resources for persons who seek to quit tobacco are available at

Paul Cummings
San Leandro

Tutu’s reach extended
far beyond South Africa

Re. “Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu dies at 90,” Page A4, Dec. 27:

The great leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a spiritual force who inspired not only his people but people all around the world.

In the 1970s, I was with the United Nations dealing with the African struggle against colonialism and apartheid. Later on, I was a member of the United Nations Secretariat dealing with supporting the struggle of the people of South Africa. I was tremendously impressed by the leadership of Nelson Mandela who led the struggle from prison and called for a nonracial society for all. Archbishop Tutu was a major force inspiring his people to support this struggle and headed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that consolidated democracy.

Archbishop Tutu was a great supporter of the Palestinian people due to the similarities of his people’s struggle and that of the Palestinians. His ideas should help efforts for peace and justice in the Holy Land.

Amer Araim
Professor of political science, Diablo Valley College
Walnut Creek

GOP bears most blame
for stalling Biden plan

The Build Back Better bill and its climate action provisions are seriously stalled in the U.S. Senate due to one Democratic senator. But there are more senators to blame here than Joe Manchin.

There are 50 Republican senators who could vote for this bill. Only one is needed. Shame on all Republican senators, especially those that are inclined to vote for this bill, but don’t because of pure partisanship. Is there no sense of bipartisanship among Republicans? Do none of you have the courage to support this bill? If there are provisions in the BBB bill that you genuinely can’t support, then please work across the aisle with the Democrats until you can vote for this bill.

The United States must address climate change and other issues to effectively govern and lead the rest of the world. Shame on you, Republican senators.

Rob Hogue
Menlo Park
