Ettore Bugatti’s love for cars spawned the automaker that bears his name, but that’s not the only passion that he turned into a business. He channeled his love for food into a restaurant called Clos Saint Odile in Obernai, a small town in the Alsatian countryside located not far from the Bugatti factory in Molsheim. It still exists, it’s now called La Fourchette des Ducs, and it still makes some of Bugatti’s favorites dishes.

In 2020, Bugatti taught hungry enthusiasts how to cook a Christmas dinner like its founder; he served minestrone, blazed duck breast with truffle purée and cassis sauce, and strawberry gratin. In 2021, the French company is zooming in on desserts. La Fourchette des Ducs offers customers a cart with 15 desserts around the holidays, including one called Tarte Obernoise that Bugatti served at his wedding.

The full recipe is posted on Bugatti’s media site. It looks relatively simple: making the dough requires flour, sugar, butter, egg yolks, milk, and baking powder, while the filling consists of raspberry jam, egg whites, powdered sugar, and almond powder. It’s more time-consuming than, say, opening a box of cake mix because the dough needs to rest for two hours, but at the end you’ll be able to say that you made meringue. 

If you’re feeling ambitious or extra-hungry, Bugatti also provided the restaurant’s recipe for hazelnut Kipferlé (a croissant-shaped cookie). Making a batch is well within the average cook’s reach. You’ll need sugar, butter, sifted flour, hazelnut powder, vanilla pods, and cinnamon.

If you’re more interested in cars than food, you’re out of luck: Bugatti hasn’t shared how to assemble the Chiron’s W16 engine.
