Dean Obeidallah, who hosts an eponymous radio program on SiriusXM called “The Dean Obeidallah Show,” is drawing a comparison between the GOP and Nazis.
“If you ever wondered what it felt like to live in 1930’s Germany, you’re getting a sense of it today. The GOP is a white supremacist, fascist movement that has rejected democracy and embraced both autocracy and violence. Today’s GOP is how democracies die,” Obeidallah tweeted.
“Reading Winston Churchill’s book ‘The Gathering Storm’ about the rise of Nazi Germany. As he notes there were numerous times the world could’ve stopped the rise of the Nazis but instead simply hoped for the best. History is SCREAMING at us we can’t hope for the best with this GOP,” he wrote in another tweet.
Obeidallah indicated that Republicans must be destroyed in order to save the country.
“Re-upping this because it triggered the fascists on the right. They think they can silence us. They have confused us for the old Democrats. We don’t want common ground with these Republicans – we want to DESTROY Them to save our beloved Republic. Period,” he wrote.
Some on social media pushed back against Obeidallah’s claims.
“These people have been saying this stuff since before I was born. Meanwhile, they’re the ones constantly wanting to tear up or ignore the Constitution, abolish the Senate, pack the Court, & take one power after another from elected bodies & insulate them from popular account,” tweeted National Review Online senior writer Dan McLaughlin.
“ROFL!! It amazes me that these people all think this. What party is all about taking peoples rights away and destroying the Constitution? Sure isn’t the GOP,” another person tweeted.