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Google project would do
little to help housing
Re. “Google proposal one of Bay Area’s largest residential projects in history,” Page B1:
The headline on your Dec. 14 article touting Google’s proposed Mountain View project as “one of the Bay Area’s largest residential projects in history” is incredibly misleading.
While the project may create “as many as” 7,000 living units, it would also create well over 20,000 additional jobs. In other words, the project would make Silicon Valley’s housing shortage considerably worse. Further, while it is likely that most of the office space would be built in the short term, much of the housing – which consists solely of high-rise apartments – might not be built for decades.
The article is certainly a nice marketing piece for Google and the developers, but it is woefully lacking in objective analysis of the project and perpetuates the illusion that Silicon Valley government and corporations are taking meaningful action to address the region’s critical jobs/housing imbalance.
Richard Leask
Palo Alto
Water initiative would
shut out communities
Re. “Initiative to fund and fast-track water projects badly needed,” Page A6, Dec. 15:
The proponents of this water infrastructure initiative cannot hide their proposal to plunder the state’s general fund behind the guise of helping disadvantaged communities of color.
The communities we work with were never consulted about the development of this initiative and would be actively harmed by its passage. Passing this initiative means that communities will no longer have a voice in the development of water projects funded by this initiative because it bypasses the Legislature and processes like CEQA and the Coastal Act in a way that shuts the public out.
It even goes so far as to prevent state agencies from requiring funded projects from prioritizing benefits to the public, all while raiding the general fund from actual programs, including programs to fulfill the human right to water, that our communities actually need. Don’t support this scam.
Kyle Jones
Community Water Center
Don’t give up fight
against virus just yet
Re. “Measuring the risk of omicron,” Page A1, Dec. 8:
As a Santa Clara County-employed pediatrician, I appreciate Lisa Krieger’s thoughtful updates on the Omicron COVID variant and the Mercury News’ frequent educational efforts.
As chairperson of Valley Physician Group (VPG), the union representing 450 county-employed physicians, I give thanks to my colleagues. Working tirelessly alongside other professionals, they have saved lives as they risked their own battling this virus. Rest assured their efforts will not cease.
VPG also applauds our county’s leadership for their political courage in navigating the county’s response. We are fortunate to live in a county with abundant resources and expertise, led by those who explain how their critical and difficult decisions are based on science. We are proud of how everyone has come together, rolled up their sleeves, and reflected the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley.
As 2022 approaches, let’s continue to stay strong and keep each other safe – through vaccines, masks, and a sense of community.
Stephen Harris
Chair, Valley Physician Group
San Jose
Assaults on democracy
feel overwhelming
I’ve gone dark on writing letters to the editor because I feel overwhelmed by the daily threats to our democracy. I simply don’t know where to begin: The Rittenhouse verdict, the suppression of voters rights, the banning of books, elected officials touting fully armed family photos on Christmas cards, school shootings, mob robberies, vaccination deniers, name-calling and foul language amid the halls of Congress, moderate legislators retiring, the possible overturning of Roe vs Wade, and the general lack of respect for our institutions.
It seems like a world gone crazy with the craziness escalating instead of ebbing. Tis the season to be merry, but I fear Santa and his elves might be shot down in self-defense or unwelcome as an outlier.
Claudia Parker
San Jose
Source: www.mercurynews.com