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The NFL funds organizations that brashly advocate for abolishing and defunding the police. Through the Inspire Change program, funded by the League, the NFL backs the Vera Institute of Justice, the Oregon Justice Resource Center, and the Community Justice Exchange.

Each of these groups undermine public safety as they support defunding or even abolishing police, Post Millennial reported.

A Fox Business report reveals the NFL charitably provided $300,000 to the Oregon Justice Resource Center, which has called for police defunding in addition to other social justice measures.

Moreover, the OJRC is connected to Antifa, as one of their notable attorneys, Juan Chavez, is representing violent Rise City Antifa member Luis Marquez. The organization that is openly hostile to law enforcement also represents Cider Riot, the now-closed Portland pub that hosted Antifa events and was the site of a riot in 2019, according to the Post Millennial.

Although the Oregon Justice Resource Center began receiving NFL donations this year, the league has been funding Vera Institute for Justice and Community Justice Exchange since 2020.

Tweets from these organizations are rather straightforward as they aim to degrade public safety in the name of social justice.

According to their website, Inspire Change was created by the NFL, players and clubs “as part of an ongoing acknowledgement of the ways that systemic racism contributes to barriers to opportunity and equality.”

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