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BALTIMORE — A Maryland man gunned down his former girlfriend in Baltimore then confessed to the homicide on Facebook Live before reportedly murdering his ex-wife and then shooting himself, according to reports.

Rajaee Shareef Black, 44, admitted to killing his ex-girlfriend, Tara Labang, by shooting her in the head Saturday afternoon while outside the Columbia apartment building of his ex-wife, Wendy Natalie Black, according to the unsettling clip. The man also says on camera that the ex-wife is about to die and that he will take his life afterward, New York Post reported.

“I just did something crazy, man,” Black says on the video. “I just shot my ex-girlfriend in the head, yo. Um, felt like a dream. I never thought I would be that guy.”

The Hanover man said he was distraught over child custody issues with both women, saying “sh-t has been real crazy,” and that he couldn’t go to prison.

“The person that really started my depression and all of this is my ex-wife,” Black declared. “So, she next. And then I’m going to do myself, too. But I just wanted to say this to people: Don’t play with people’s emotions, man. Don’t lie on these men.”

Toward the end of the video, Black’s 42-year-old ex-wife comes to her doorway before it suddenly cuts out.

“Oh, here’s my ex-wife right now,” Black says as a matter-of-fact before he reportedly murdered her and then turned the gun on himself.

Law enforcement authorities confirmed the sequence of events.

The couple have two children. They were found unharmed in Black’s car outside his ex-wife’s apartment building, police said.

“Investigators believe Rajaee Black came to Columbia after having just committed a domestic homicide a short time earlier in Baltimore,” Howard County Police said in a statement.

They also confirmed the man had a past relationship with both deceased women.

The Baltimore Police Department identified Labang, 41, as being a victim early Monday, the Sun reported.

“This is a terrible, terrible tragedy,” Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison told reporters near the crime scene. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of these victims.”

One of Labang’s neighbor’s said her Ring doorbell camera picked up the sound of six gunshots during the homicide. Police subsequently learned about the Facebook video in which Black described his intentions. As a result, they notified Howard County authorities.

However, responding officers arrived after the murder-suicide had taken place. They found Rajaee Black and Wendy Black dead inside the vestibule of her Columbia apartment.

According to court records obtained by the Sun, the couple had been involved in a custody dispute dating back to 2018.

Both Wendy and Rajaee Black had worked as certified registered nurse anesthetists, according to the news outlet. Wendy Black was an employee at Howard County General Hospital for nearly five years, while Rajaee held a nurse anesthetist position at the US Department of Veterans Affairs, the Sun reported, citing his LinkedIn page.

Hospital officials confirmed that Labang was employed at Capital Region Health.

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