The pro-life advocacy organization Live Action has released a satirical video that emphasizes how pro-choice men benefit from abortions.

While pro-choice advocates often frame the issue as being about women’s rights, the video flips the script.

“Abortion rights are pro-choice men’s rights,” men declare in the video.

“The role of the the government is to make my irresponsible lifestyle sustainable,” one of the men says. “The other side will point out that abortion kills a human being. But my right to impregnate a woman and then leave her in the dust outweighs the baby’s right to life.”

“I deserve to enjoy sex without commitment, marriage, or parenthood,” another man says. “Guys, we’re forgetting that abortion is mainly about a man’s sexual freedom.”

As the national debate over abortion continues to rage, pro-life advocates are hoping that the Supreme Court will uphold a Mississippi law that would prohibit most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Such a move would at least conflict with the court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, and the court could even overturn Roe entirely, which would represent a tremendous victory for pro-life advocates.

“For decades, we have been told the lie that abortion is a ‘woman’s right’ and that it offers her freedom and empowerment,” Live Action founder and president Lila Rose said in a statement to the Daily Wire. “The truth is that abortion has always been driven primarily by the demands and desires of so-called ‘pro-choice’ men.”

“Abortion has never been about respecting women, but rather about using a woman’s body for pleasure and then destroying the bodies of her children for profit,” she said.

“This Live Action video shows the blatant hypocrisy of the multi-billion-dollar abortion industry’s ploy to ‘empower women’, when all it really does is harm her and destroy her innocent child’s life,” Rose said.