The longest-running live-action comedy series in American history is one hell of an honor and it goes to “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” “It’s Always Sunny” premiered in 2005 and it was created by Rob McElhenney, who also portrays Mac throughout the series. It follows “The Gang” and their various chaotic, narcissistic exploits surrounding the Paddy’s Pub in South Philadelphia. In addition to Mac, you also have Charlie Kelly (portrayed by Charlie Day), Dennis Reynolds (portrayed by Glenn Howerton, who also co-developed the show), Deandra “Sweet Dee” Reynolds (portrayed by Kaitlin Olson) and Frank Reynolds (portrayed by Danny DeVito). The show has run for an impressive 15 seasons and it’s been renewed all the way to season 18—thus far!
The appeal of the show is simple. It revolves around some of the most terrible yet lovable characters who find their way into some of the wildest and most unimaginable situations. And while many of the characters form relationships on the show, the series also has real life couples—with Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis (the Waitress), and Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olson married in real life.
Over the years, the series has expanded well beyond just a television show. The show’s musical “The Nightman Cometh” has been performed by The Gang worldwide. Additionally, a Russian version of the show entitled “It’s Always Sunny in Moscow” premiered in 2014. Plus, Howerton, McElhenney and Day began hosting “The Always Sunny Podcast” in November 2021.
In honor of the ongoing legacy of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” take a look at 65 iconic tattoos of The Gang and their antics in the gallery below. Then let us know your favorite character from this series in the comments section on social media.