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An alleged Russian cannibal and two other men were arrested after police discovered a decapitated body at the scene of a car crash.

The body fell out of the trunk of an SUV when it crashed into a highway fence on the side of a highway in the Leningrad region last week, according to a report by state news agency Tass.

The New York Post reported that three suspects were arrested. Two of the men reportedly murdered a man in a St. Petersburg garage before setting it on fire.

The suspects fled the scene before crashing their vehicle but one of the suspects allegedly engaged in cannibalism before being caught.

“I nibbled to just take a taste,” 23-year-old Yegor Komarov said in court, according to footage of the court hearing reported on by The Daily Beast.

“Are you ready to eat a human again?,” an interrogator reportedly asked.

“Do you have some?” the suspect replied.

Komarov also admitted to murdering and eating a man last September “without any reason,” and said he hunted for victims in a local park, according to the report and the wire service.

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