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Milwaukee, WI. – The district attorney responsible for releasing alleged mass killer Darrell Brooks on just $1000 bond, who went on to kill six participants in a Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin publicly stated in 2007 that his progressive reforms would kill people according to the New York Post.

Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm was elected in 2007 and he has spent his career supporting cash-bail system reform. Like other progressives, Chisholm has argued that he punishes the poor but as Waukesha has tragically found out, it punishes American citizens.

Brian Surber is the author of “Injustice For All: The (Familiar Fallacies of Criminal Justice Reform.

Surber says that “everyone should have concern for poverty but the best way to avoid the issue of needing too post a bond would be prior to an alleged offense.”

In an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,, Chisholm said: “Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody?”

“You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.”

Travis Yates is the author of “The Courageous Police Leader,” and he calls the actions by Chisholm “disgusting.”

“The unspeakable tragedy in Wisconsin absolutely did not need to happen. Law enforcement has been experiencing the real danger that these progressive politicians have created across the country for a long time and what everyone needs to understand is that the release of Darrell Brooks is not unique. There are thousands of violent criminals walking the streets right now victimizing Americans and that has made the job of law enforcement much more dangerous while placing the safety of citizens at a far greater risk.”

Chisholm has been a longtime proponent for reducing the number of incarcerations but as Surber says, “The District Attorney’s Job is to keep the community safe from criminals and in the case of a career violent criminal, incarceration is the only way to ensure that safety.”

Chisholm describes himself on his website as a “bold reformer with a track record of keeping our community safe” and has taken credit for inspiring a wave of “progressive prosecutors” across the US.

Yates says “it is not rocket science” why America is suffering from the largest increase in violence in thirty years.

“Just take a look at the cities where violence has skyrocketed and you will draw a direct correlation to bail reform along with a political environment that paints law enforcement as evil,” Yates exclaimed.

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