It’s always sad to see a story about a car accident in which someone is critically injured, but there are particularly strange circumstances surrounding this one. A woman in Kansas City, Mo., accidentally ran over her husband — twice — when he crawled under their car in an attempt to dislodge a bowling ball.

According to reports in the Kansas City Star and other local outlets, the man and woman, both 25, were driving Saturday afternoon in central Kansas City, with the woman at the wheel, when they crossed paths with a bowling ball rolling down the street. The ball got jammed beneath the car. So the man got out and crawled under the car in an attempt to pry it free. 

At that moment, a suspect approached the car and reached inside for the woman’s purse, which was in the front seat next to her. She engaged in a tug-of-war with the assailant. And that’s when her foot hit the gas pedal.

And that’s when she ran over her husband. When she heard him yell, she put the car in reverse and rolled over him again.

The would-be purse snatcher ran, without the purse.

The husband was transported to a hospital in critical condition but has been upgraded to stable. Police have not released the couple’s names. 

Later that day, a man walked into the nearest police precinct, where police said he admitted to rolling the bowling ball in the direction of a moving car. The purse snatcher is unaccounted for. Reports don’t answer the question of whether the actions of the bowler and the purse snatcher were in any way related, but since one came forward, presumably it was all just a strange and tragic coincidence. And a prank gone horribly wrong.
