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WAUKESHA, Wis. — The man taken in custody as the suspect in the Christmas Parade tragedy, that killed at least five people and injured more than 40, is a career criminal that has expressed hatred for former President Donald Trump and also has expressed extreme black national antisemitic views. Darrell Brooks is a convicted felon and has a criminal history that goes back over twenty years in various states. He is also a rapper that goes by the name of “MathBoi Fly.” As we previously reported, he filmed a violent rap video with a red Ford Escape that matches the vehicle description from the rampage.

There is a Darrell Edward Brooks with the same year of birth who is a registered sex offender in Nevada, but it was not immediately clear without a full DOB whether it was the same person. However, he appears to admit to this in a deleted video, saying the victim was 16 and she was a “hoe.” Journalist Andy Ngo reports that Brooks defended his actions by saying. he was pimping.

In what appears another tragic ending to so called “bail reform,” Brooks was released from jail on Friday after paying $1,000 bail for several open felony charges. Law Officer reviewed pages of Brooks’ criminal record and he has one of the longest and most expansive felony records, dating back over twenty years, that we have ever seen for anyone outside of prison.

All of that aside, the mainstream media is working overtime to ensure that no one, anywhere, knows any of that. Twelve hours after Brooks was identified through scanner audio and the vehicle was identified at his address through Google Maps and several independent news sources confirmed his identity along with his extremist views, there appears to be a media blackout on Waukesha.

The talking points today appear to be filled with just about everything but the actual facts that have been uncovered thus far. In fact, we have yet to see a mainstream outlet even say it was a man and some are saying that “he or she” was fleeing from a stabbing and it was likely an accident.

We certainly don’t have the time or the care to explain what is going on in the American Media today and what has occurred in Waukesha is a horrible tragedy that simply did not have to happen. In fact, Brooks should have never been outside a 24 hour lockup facility.

Regarding the media…They are the enemy and this is just another example. America desperately needs the media. At the core of any democracy is accountability and for decades, we have relied on the news media to do just that.

When that accountability turns to activism and narrative with just one side of the political spectrum pushed, that will doom what was once the pinnacle of a modern day Democracy.

YouTube/Mathboi Fly

In fact, it is much worse than fake news. The mainstream media wants division and they are using race to do it and nothing has proven that more than the last few weeks. Can you imagine what the narrative would of been today if the suspect in this massacre was white?

How sad that we even have to say that because it should not matter but unless you are insane, you know exactly what the media would be saying if Brooks’ skin pigment was lighter.

We don’t care if Darrell Brooks is black, white or green. But we do care about a career criminal out on the streets because of woke and abusive judges and we certainly care about kids, families and grandmothers that have been victimized when it never should have happened.

All of this must change because if it doesn’t, what happened in Waukesha is only the beginning of the end.

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