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Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler — who was the so-called “constitutional expert” on the team of President Trump impeachment managers — is calling on the DOJ to review the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings for potential federal charges.

The leftist Nadler — who also called the 2020 Portland riots a “myth” — tweeted:

Jason Easley, the author of an article for apparently identified with Nadler’s opinion. The columnist wrote, “There are a wide variety of federal charges that Kyle Rittenhouse could potentially face that include civil rights violations and potential hate crimes.”

Easley goes on to identify a few reasons that would allegedly justify federal review, and they are closely aligned with the leftwing talking points that have already been debunked in the case.

Nevertheless, all eyes — left and right — are waiting to see what Attorney General Merrick Garland will do.

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