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Lies have been told and reported about Kyle Rittenhouse since the day of the shootings at the Kenosha riots in 2020. Truths were known about the teen, yet ignored by pundits and reporters willing to fabricate a story to align with the false narrative.

Miranda Devine of the New York Post listed 10 debunked lies about Rittenhouse. She is the same superb journalist who broke the Hunter Biden laptop story that Twitter tried to shutdown, but was ultimately proven true.

This is Devine’s list along with exerts from her comments.

1. He killed two black BLM protesters. All three of the men he shot in self-defense during violent riots in Kenosha on Aug. 25 last year were white.

2. He crossed state lines. He lived 20 miles from Kenosha in Antioch, Ill., with his mother and sisters. But his father, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousins and best friend live in Kenosha. He had a job as a lifeguard in Kenosha and worked a shift on Aug. 25 before helping clean graffiti left by rioters at a local school. There, he and his friend were invited to join other adults who had been asked by the owners of a used-car lot in Kenosha to guard the property after 100 cars had been torched the previous night, when police abandoned the town to rioters… 

3. Rittenhouse took an AR-15 across state lines. Esquire accused him of “terrorist tourism.” False. His rifle was kept in a safe at his best friend’s stepfather’s house in Kenosha.

4. The gun was illegal. Wrong. Under Wisconsin law, he was entitled to possess the AR-15 as a 17-year-old. The judge dismissed the gun charge, which the prosecution never should have brought.

5. Rittenhouse’s mother drove him across state lines to the riot. Wendy Rittenhouse, 46, never went to Kenosha... 

6. He was an “active shooter” who took his gun to a riot looking for trouble. “A 17-year-old kid just running around shooting and killing protesters,” said MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, “who drove across state lines with an AR-15 and started shooting people up.” On Friday, after evidence in court already had debunked his talking points, Scarborough called Rittenhouse a “self-appointed militia member . . . unloading 60 rounds.”…

7. Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist,” as then-candidate Joe Biden labeled him in a tweet showing the teenager’s photograph. When White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked to explain why recently, she slyly slimed Rittenhouse again, without naming him, as a “vigilante.”

In one story The Intercept used the term “white supremacist” 16 times. The accusation has become holy writ, but there is zero evidence… 

8. He “flashed white power signs” with Proud Boys. After spending three months in jail, Kyle was freed on $2 million bail two days after his 18th birthday last year, and went to a bar for a beer, with his mother and other adults, which is legal in Wisconsin. He posed for selfies with strangers at the bar, who the media say are Proud Boys, and was pictured making the OK sign with his thumb and forefinger. … Biden uses the gesture frequently. It was unwise to pose for the photo but it does not mean Kyle is associated with white supremacists.

9. He wore surgical gloves “to cover his fingerprints.” This pearler was spread by Matthew Modine, another celebrity big mouth. Kyle wore gloves because he was giving first aid to protesters...

10. Judge Bruce Schroeder is a “Trumpy” racist biased toward the defense. This slur is based on the fact he would not let the prosecution use the term “victim” — common practice when the jury has not ruled on a case. He told a lame joke about Asian food for lunch being held up by the supply-chain crisis, and his phone’s ring tone sounds like a 1980s ditty played at Trump rallies. Ridiculous. In fact, Judge Schroeder is a Democrat, has run as a Democrat for the Wisconsin Senate and was first appointed by a Democratic governor…

Interestingly enough, even when leftist lies are debunked, they frequently double down on their “story” in a lame attempt to maintain credibility. For instance, Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., made an outlandish claim Monday when she said in a tweet that she and fellow protesters were fired upon by white supremacists during the 2014 Ferguson riots.

Skeptics did some fact checking on Bush’s claim and discovered a different set of circumstances altogether. As a result, they began circulating articles on social media about the conviction of Jeffrey Williams, a black man who was found guilty on March 12, 2015 of shooting and wounding two police officers during a Ferguson riot in front of the police department, Law Officer reported.

Following the shooting, witnesses said they believed the shots originated from the top of a hill about 220 yards directly opposite the police facility.

Furthermore, the current Ferguson police chief said the agency has no reports consistent with Bush’s claim. Nevertheless, the staff of the uber-leftist politician did not withdraw from the lies, but reasserted them as fact without corroboration.

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