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Keep mask mandates
until pandemic ends

With respect to the article “Two Bay Area counties ease mask mandates,” (Page B1, Oct. 30) I have to highly disagree with the decision.

As a resident of Alameda County, I do not think it is fair that vaccinated people can go about their day in specific facilities with no mask on.  I am vaccinated due to my job, but my partner is not. I will not force him to be vaccinated.

These new Alameda County rules are wrong and unfair. Just because someone is vaccinated does not mean they should have priority to not wear a mask indoors. I believe everyone should still wear a mask indoors regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not.

Maribel Reynoso

City’s progressive wing
driving Richmond down

Re. “Richmond city leadership in a state of turmoil,” Page A1, Nov. 11:

Apparently, many city residents are oblivious to the dysfunction and incompetence of the City Council.

The Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA) — Councilmembers McLaughlin, Martinez, Willis, Jimenez and ally Johnson, hold a supermajority vote. Ultra-left in their ideology, they pursue a “healthy, sustainable and justice-oriented direction” (McLaughlin), but neglect city services and economic growth.

Thanks to them, we now have a defunded police force (unanswered calls and fewer police officers on the street); a potential lawsuit — not defending the City, but in support of the plaintiffs — with legal fees threatening city bankruptcy; hundreds of unfilled city positions, and no city attorney or city manager. Meanwhile, our “business districts” and streets pile up with garbage and vacant stores.

Tune in to the council meetings and see for yourself the discourtesy, ignorance and lack of transparency by those who “run” this city.

Ellen Sasaki

Runaway gun violence
sets this country apart

Not a day goes by without reports in the media of shootings and murders, nationwide and particularly in Oakland. We are becoming inured to violence.

I was appalled by the death of a toddler, shot by a stray bullet on Interstate 880 in Oakland (“Family, community mourn toddler in freeway shooting,” Page B1, Nov. 9). How long will the mayhem go on until Congress passes effective legislation to curb the indiscriminate use of firearms? How long will we tolerate the abuse of the Second Amendment?

The exceptionalism of the United States is claimed by some. Indeed we are exceptional in the number of murders per capita, as compared to other industrialized nations.

Glauco Romeo

Remembering victim
for the light of her living

In the East Bay Times, it was reported that Darlene Roth was murdered (“Son arrested in his mother’s stabbing death,” Page B2, Nov. 10). Darlene was a dear friend of mine, and I don’t want her to be remembered by the way her life ended.

She was a gentle, kind, compassionate, generous person who was always there for people. She had a huge, loving heart and was deeply loved by those who knew her. She enriched so many lives, and her light will remain with us.

Joan Redding
Pleasant Hill

Newsom’s no-show
forfeits state’s leadership

The world just held the U.N. Climate Summit in Glasgow to try to craft a plan and agreement to address the biggest threat to humanity in our lifetime — global warming. In attendance were presidents, premiers, prime ministers, secretaries of state and even royalty.

However, absent was the leader of the world’s 5th largest economy, home to the world center for tech research and innovation and some of the best universities and minds in the world.

So where was the leader of California? Where was the self-proclaimed leader in efforts to combat global climate change? Apparently, he was home, dressed as a pirate, trick-or-treating. Seriously.

Linda Ramus

Congress must clamp
down on violent rhetoric

I’m sure people are aware that images of violent attacks on the president are not allowed under the First Amendment. A depiction of violence or a physical threat is an extreme that law enforcement limits for the welfare of society.

Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and others have without remorse circulated hateful and violent images targeting members of our federal government, including the president. Doing so not only stretches the rules of decency but also breaks the law.

If I were to post the same image Gosar did (“Rep. Gosar under fire for anime attacking AOC,” Page A5, Nov. 10), the incident would be treated more seriously, and the repercussions to me would be significant. No repercussions at all for Rep. Gosar? This is outrageous and unfair treatment under the law.

Egregious conduct such as Gosar’s should and must become a topic before the Congress.

Brian Shea
