Post credits scenes have been a staple of the Marvel Cinematic Universe from the beginning, with much fuss being made over the concluding moments of the franchise’s upcoming installment, Eternals. Be warned, MAJOR SPOILERS to follow. Well, it sounds like one of these post-credit scenes could be even more exciting than we’d hoped, with director Chlo&é Zhao revealing that one such scene at the end of Eternals will finally bring Mahershala Ali’s Blade into the MCU.

The scene in question finds Game of Thrones star Kit Harington’s character, Dane Whitman, who in the comics takes up the mantle of the Black Knight, staring at an old chest inherited from his ancestors that contains the legendary Ebony Blade. A mysterious voice off-screen asks Whitman if he is ready, and that voice belongs to none other than the Daywalker himself. “That was the voice of one of my favorite superheroes, Mr. Blade himself. Blade, Blade, Blade, yeah!” Zhao has now confirmed to Fandom.

This is, of course, a hugely exciting addition to the post-credits scene, with Marvel fans having waited patiently for Mahershala Ali’s Blade to enter the fray. While his introduction may be in the form of an off-screen voice, it’s great to know that the seeds are finally being laid for the iconic vampire hunter’s introduction to the MCU.

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Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali was confirmed to lead Marvel Studios’ upcoming Blade reboot way back at San Diego Comic-Con 2019. The project is set to be directed by Mogul Mowgli‘s Bassam Tariq, who will work from a script written by Watchmen TV series writer Stacy Osei-Kuffor. Not much else is yet known about the movie, though some rumors have claimed will be titled Blade: The Vampire Slayer, and that it will introduce audiences to Fallon Grey, Blade’s estranged daughter. Blade is expected to begin filming in July 2022.

As for the Eternals, the 26th movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will introduce audiences to a whole new side of the franchise, picking up following the events of last year’s comic book blockbuster event, Avengers: Endgame. Enter the Eternals, a species of immortal aliens from a distant planet who arrived on earth thousands of years ago and have been protecting humans since the dawn of time. Created by the Celestials, a race of powerful extra-terrestrial cosmic beings who have secretly lived on Earth for over 7000 years, the Eternals must reunite to protect humanity from their evil counterparts, the Deviants.

As for Harington’s MCU future, the actor recently acknowledged that “Nothing is certain. That’s the first thing you learn in this industry. There is no certainty.” Despite this, the actor is remaining cautiously optimistic that Eternals is just the “tip of the iceberg” for Dane Whitman. “I’ve got no idea whether my character goes on or not,” Harington said. “I had read up on who he could be, or might be. So there’s the possibility for a longer trajectory. And hopefully, I think this is the tip of the iceberg for my character. I hope.”

Eternals is now playing in movie theaters, as part of Phase Four of the MCU. This comes to us from Fandom.
