Warner Bros. have made no secret that they are planning to massively expand their DC properties, and have already started this with the Peacemaker series being the first of a number of rumored spin-offs from James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad. It is therefore no real surprise that producer Hiram Garcia believes that more than one character being introduced in the Dwayne Johnson-led Black Adam will be getting spin-offs of their own at some point in future. There is no shortage of characters to choose from either, with Sarah Shahi as Isis, Noah Centineo as Albert Rothstein, Pierce Brosnan as Doctor Fate, Aldis Hodge as Hawkman, Djimon Hounsou as the Wizard, and Quintessa Swindell as Cyclone, all potentially being in line for a solo outing.

Black Adam is reported to be pushing the PG-13 rating to its limit thanks to a high body count, and Johnson has already stated that he would be more than happy to bring the character back again for more adventures, so would any spin-offs end up heading into darker territory or stick within the sacred PG-13 arena? While being interviewed by Collider, Garcia went into detail about the importance of finding the right home for any spin-offs, suggesting that theatrical releases might not suit all of them, and some may be more at home as exclusive HBO Max content.

Garcia explained, “We’ve never viewed this as just a one-off movie. I’m such a gigantic comic book nerd and fan, and I love this universe so much, if you can tell from my excitement about talking about all these things. I’ve always gotten into this with a vision of, ‘This is the story we want to tell, this is where we would love to see this go, this is how we would see multiple pictures play out, possibly including spinoffs for individual characters,’ but there’s always been a rough, kind of loose outline in our head on an imaginary whiteboard of how we’d want to do it. As we’re making that, we start to look at that a little bit more. But, again, ultimately, we need the movie to be received well and we want fans to like it, but there’s 100% a vision of what we’d like to be doing in a multiple picture aspect when it comes to Black Adam and the JSA.”

RELATED: Black Adam Has a Very High Kill Count, Pushing the Boundaries of PG-13

He continued, “I think when it comes to the DC Universe – this is the great thing about being at Warner and DC – is you have gigantic conversations with all the tentacles there of being able to generate content and tell these stories. So we have met with everyone from every corner of DC Universe about how we can bring certain characters to life, how we can continue and build out the worlds on some of these characters, and it’s just about finding the right home for it. But nothing is left off the table when you’re dealing with characters of this nature and scale and in terms of how we can best deliver more content to the fans. So that continues to go, and you’re going to start to hear announcements regarding some of these characters and who we’re going to finally be able to tell a little bit more on going forward.”

Of course, the future of any spinoffs will be completely reliant on the success of Black Adam next summer, but with Johnson being very vocal about his belief that the movie is something special, he is not the type of person to be simply ignored. With Warner Bros. clearly wanting to elevate their DC output to the level of Marvel Studios, Black Adam‘s success in July 2022 would pretty much guarantee an instant green light for any number of related projects. This news comes to us from Collider.

Source: movieweb.com