Aside from Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, Charlie Cox is perhaps the most heavily rumored name to appear in the upcoming sequel Spider-Man: No Way Home. The Marvel Studios and Disney feature will introduce a live-action multiverse that allows for characters from alternate cinematic universes to appear, prompting the speculation for multiple Spider-Men. There have also long been rumors that Cox will reprise his role as Matt Murdock from Netflix’s Daredevil.

Cox has consistently denied his involvement in the Spider-Man movie, but that’s done little to convince many Marvel fans he’s really not in it. In any case, the actor has been able to open up a bit on the potential future of Matt Murdock and the other Marvel’s Daredevil characters in the MCU. Footage of Cox speaking about Daredevil at MCM Comic-Con in London was recently uploaded to YouTube by DriiftyFilm, and here’s what Cox said when asked to address what’s next for his iconic character.

RELATED: Charlie Cox Says ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’ About Daredevil Return

“Look, a lot of time’s passed, so God knows if anything can for us in the future. I really don’t know. Obviously, if something were to happen, that would be thrilling. But because enough time has passed, I would imagine it would have to be a kind of reimagining. Assuming that they choose to use us, it would be an interesting scenario, because it would be a reimagining but with the same foundation. So, I don’t know what it would look like.”

This answer may bring about a mixed response with some fans. Ever since Netflix axed Daredevil after three seasons, there had been fans calling for the characters to reappear in the MCU to continue their storylines. Cox is suggesting that if the Daredevil characters return, they won’t be the same ones we all know and love from the Netflix series, but new incarnations that are played by the same actors. It would undoubtedly be amazing to see them back in these roles, but this may be a bit confusing to many fans. Why not just set them in the same universe? Perhaps Marvel Studios has other plans for some of the other characters in the DefendersVerse?

Charlie Cox also isn’t exactly ruling out continued storylines for the original Daredevil characters. At Comic-Con, he also mentioned how there are still some “loose ends” that need tied. Ultimately, even if Cox really does never get the chance to revisit that role, he makes it clear that he’s really happy with how Daredevil turned out and is proud to hang his hat on it as it is.

“I know that there’s so many great storylines to tell. We never really got into the Bullseye stuff. You know, there’s an unfinished history with Karen, that we got to almost got to get there in season 2. There are a lot of loose ends we’d like to tie up. But, having said all of that, I’m really proud of what we did. We ended on a high note and I’d rather that than, just because there is a huge fan base, to run into the ground and end up… suddenly end up with a fourth bad season that didn’t really work and too much time had passed, and everyone is like, ‘Charlie Cox is in his 60s now, why is he playing that role?'”

In other words, perhaps if a new season of Daredevil could ever happen, it needs to be sooner rather than later. Cox hasn’t totally written off that possibility, pointing to how many new programs have launched on Disney+ this year alone. Maybe they could find a spot in their schedule for a new Daredevil series as well, especially with so much fan attention on the situation, and with other stars from the show wanting to return. For better or for worse, Cox reiterates that a potential new show would likely feature a reimagined version of the character.

“The only thing I’ll say is, based on what’s coming out on Disney+, based on the shows that I’m watching – WandaVision, Loki, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier – they’re so brilliant, and they completely reimagined Loki. It blew my mind. I couldn’t believe how interesting and different that was. So, I would be interested to see what they want to do.”

Spider-Man: No Way Home is set to hit theaters on Dec. 17, and then we’ll find out once and for all if the rumors of Charlie Cox’s return are true. This news comes from DriiftyFilm.
