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Transportation choices
key to climate success
Our transportation choices have a major impact on air pollution in the Bay Area. Choosing zero/low-emission transportation (e-bikes, transit, electric cars) is something we can each do to keep us all healthier.
That’s why programs like the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Clean Cars for All (“Agency to pay up to $9,500 if you buy more efficient car,” Page B1, Oct. 7) are vital. The program offers grants for income-eligible residents in certain zip codes to retire their older car and replace it with a cleaner vehicle such as a hybrid. Look into it — maybe you qualify.
As a physician, I can speak to the importance of these efforts. Electric vehicles reduce toxic emissions and e-bikes have the added benefit of exercise! The transition to zero-emission vehicles supports better health for all of us, especially those most impacted by pollution.
David Pepper
Giants should give up S.J.
to keep A’s in Bay Area
When the Giants were looking for a new ballpark, the A’s helped them out by relinquishing rights to Santa Clara County. However, the Giants have used these rights to block the A’s from moving to San Jose. San Jose tried to get these rights overturned in a 2015 lawsuit against MLB that reached the U.S. Supreme Court.
Now, with the A’s possibly leaving for Las Vegas, it is time for the Giants to return the favor and allow the A’s to pursue a San Jose ballpark. MLB Commissioner Manfred said he is “not sure we see a path to success” for a new A’s ballpark in Oakland. If the A’s are not allowed to pursue a San Jose ballpark, the Giants will have essentially driven the A’s out of the Bay Area since San Jose was clearly willing to build the A’s a ballpark based on the lawsuit.
Bruce Maigatter
Santa Clara
Column’s take on fossil
fuels woefully outdated
It appears that Marc Thiessen is still wearing an old, outdated, 40-year-old pair of lenses through which he looks at the subject of America’s energy independence and strategic position in the world (“Looks like the 1970s all over again, and Biden is the new Jimmy Carter,” Page A17, Oct. 17).
I regret to share with him that the rules have fundamentally changed. Fewer wells producing oil in America? Great. Fewer investment dollars from Wall Street flowing into the oil industry? Great. More pain at the pump? Regrettable, certainly for the poor, but still necessary.
Biden correctly understands the global importance of keeping carbon in the ground where it belongs, instead of the old, and no longer relevant, formula of belching it into the sky for short-term economic gain and dominance.
Jay Ashford
Familiarity with dying
teaches one how to live
The article from Dr. Tyler Johnson (“Oncologist relays what matters most to patients at the end,” Page A8, Oct. 21) flooded me with memories of being a young ICU nurse. His description of the physical process of dying was lyrical and beautiful. More than that, however, was the spiritual aspect of dying.
Religiosity aside, he describes the very essence of dying in ways that can touch us all. As sad as it is to lose a life it can also be an incredible honor to witness this transition. When the fight is at its end and all that can be done has been done, graceful surrender can bring comfort to both the dying and the family. No one thinks of material objects or status at this point but maybe how we might have lived better.
What I do know is my own experience with the dying has taught me how to live with open eyes and ears.
Christina Loeliger
Well-known model for
effective health care
Dr. Robert Pearl’s article (“The state of American health care: Climbing from world’s worst to first,” Page A8, Oct. 21) succinctly explains the problems with health care in the United States (being last among 11 of the world’s wealthiest nations). He describes the “capitation” model vs: “fee for service model.”
My husband and I have been Kaiser members for many years and have received superb care from our primary care physician who encourages a healthy lifestyle with diet, exercise and good mental health. She refers us when necessary to other practitioners. The emphasis is on preventive care. On a recent medical issue I was having, I was referred to a specialist, had an ultrasound, was seen by a physical therapist, had acupuncture and joined an educational class. Together my issue has been resolved.
Kaiser’s model, like Dr. Pearl says, if followed, “our nation’s health care system will be on the path to becoming the best in the world.”
Virginia Kamp
Source: www.mercurynews.com