SANTA CRUZ COUNTY (CBS SF) — The Estrada Fire in Santa Cruz County that started on Friday when a controlled burn jumped containment lines is now 60% contained after burning 148 acres, according to Cal Fire.

The numbers released initially on Sunday morning were the same as those given by Cal Fire on Saturday evening.

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The Cal Fire CZU unit later updated the fire’s status, saying that it was 60% contained and that all evacuation warnings have now been lifted.

The blaze began on Friday after a controlled burn on former fire chief Greg Estrada’s property near Watsonville jumped containment lines and started to spread.

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The 20-acre prescribed burn at Estrada Ranch was scheduled for 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Friday. It was intended to reduce dry fuel and prevent a wildland fire. Cal Fire warned residents on social media to expect to see smoke from the controlled burn.

It’s not yet known what happened to cause the flames to jump the line around 2:40 p.m.

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Fire crews from across California have arrived in the Santa Cruz mountains to help local crews put a stop to the fire.
