Portland never disappoints. An anonymous someone recently took advantage of a growth of ivy on a pole at the top of an I-405 onramp, and added a sign beneath it that said “Merge Simpson.” As Nelson would say, ha-ha!

But The Oregonian reports that city officials, while surely tolerant of Portland’s inherent weirdness — this is the town that just renamed a nearby bridge Ned Flanders Crossing — couldn’t let this particular joke stand. Unfortunately, the likeness of Simpsons matriarch Marge covered up a pedestrian caution sign for the crosswalk at the freeway entrance. It’s funny, but you’d hate to see a pedestrian get mowed down over it. So a city transportation crew has since taken Marge down.

Fortunately, Merge Simpson will live forever on social media. And between this and the Flanders bridge, you have to wonder what’s next for “Simpsons” creator Matt Groening’s hometown. The Merge Simpson onramp is from Northwest Couch Street, so maybe somebody can do something with the couch from the show’s opening credits. Also, a lot of things in Portland could be considered Krusty.


Source: www.autoblog.com