For someone celebrating 40 years in the business, Elvira is certainly making the most of her anniversary year, as not content with a Shudder Halloween special, and a month-long stint with Netflix for their “Netflix and Chills” line-up, she will also be making an appearance in The Goldbergs Halloween episode on ABC. The episode entitled The Hunt for the Great Albino Pumpkin will air on Wednesday October 27th at 8 p.m. EDT, and see the Mistress of Darkness following in the footsteps of that other iconic horror character Freddy Krueger in celebrating the spooky season on the comedy series.

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It’s three years since Robert Englund underwent his transformation into the Nightmare on Elm Street murderer one more time to appear in The Goldbergs’ 2018 Halloween Special, and it seems that having a fan-favorite from the horror genre in the show at this time of year could well become a sporadic tradition with Elvira turning up for this year’s outing.

RELATED: Dr. Elvira Is in to Prescribe Horror Movies All Month Long on Netflix

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The official episode synopsis reads: “Missing his Pops, Adam finds himself disenchanted with his once favorite time of year, Halloween. Beverly tirelessly tries to resurrect Adam’s Halloween spirit from the dead, encouraging Pop Pop (Judd Hirsch) to spend some quality time with his grandson. A night of mishaps and chaos turns out to be just the adventure Adam needs. Meanwhile, with the push and support from Joanne, Barry decides to bring his former alter ego, rapper “Big Tasty,” back to life; and a chance encounter with the legendary Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, brings Barry and Joanne closer together.”

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As mentioned, Elvira, or actress Cassandra Peterson, is celebrating her 40th anniversary as the queen of horror hosts, and for her fans it couldn’t be much bigger a celebration, with the alluring icon not only popping up here, there and everywhere on TV, but also getting her own 7″ action figure from NECA, which became available for pre-order last week. Who wouldn’t want to have their own little fully articulated Elvira on their shelf – it certainly beats an Elf.

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Two weeks ago, Elvira brought a special live night of entertainment to Shudder, with the whole event now streaming on demand on the platform for those who were not able to tune in when it originally aired, and it was announced the following week that she would be also offering her services to Netflix every Sunday in October joining their Social Channels as Dr. Elvira, to deliver some strictly non-medical advice for the Halloween season.

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The Goldbergs is currently in its ninth season on ABC, which was green-lit last year as season eight premiered in 2020. Despite drastically diminishing ratings over the last few seasons, the Halloween special with Robert Englund obviously gained the series a lot of attention, being one of the only times Englund has appeared as Freddy Krueger since the clash of the killers movie, Freddy vs. Jason back in 2003. Whether Elvira can bring a similar ratings boost is doubtful, as even though she is an icon in her own right, she doesn’t have quite the same global fan-base, but she is guaranteed to bring a bit of camp, dark fun to proceedings so there are worse ways to spend half an hour. The episode will air on ABC on October 27th, and can be seen on demand and on Hulu from the following day.
