The year is 1978. William Shatner, most known for his portrayal of Captain James Tiberius Kirk on the (at the time) cult classic “Star Trek,” took part in one of the most absurd musical performances of all time. A smoking Shatner recites the lyrics to Elton John’s “Rocket Man” before he breaks into two Shatners for the chorus, and then a third Shatner to bring it all home. It was pure insanity. Please watch the entirety of the video before moving forward. Seriously, you can’t miss this. 

Today, the lyrics took on a whole new meaning as Shatner flew into space on a Blue Origin rocket this morning. While we cannot confirm whether or not Shatner packed a bag last night, preflight, we do know that he wasn’t gone for a “long, long time.” The mission lasted just over 10 minutes, or about one fifth the length of an episode of “Star Trek.” 

While we were hoping he might find a blue lady to smooch on the trip, befriend some tribbles or fight a Gorn, it turns out that the 90-year-old actor’s journey wasn’t nearly as eventful as his fictional adventures. But say what you will about the short journey, he did boldly go where few people have ever gone before. And that’s pretty damn cool. 

To celebrate we threw together a gallery of tattoos of all things Star Trek. Enjoy!