The Batman star Andy Serkis has teased the upcoming DC outing, describing it as a “masterpiece”. The actor, who will once again team-up with War for the Planet of the Apes director Matt Reeves, states that he is forbidden from discussing The Batman in any detail, especially when it comes to his character, Bruce Wayne’s loyal butler Alfred Pennyworth, but does believe that Reeves has crafted another cinematic classic.

“Look, I really can’t answer any questions about The Batman, but I’ll tell you that it was fantastic being reunited with Matt Reeves, [producer] Dylan Clark and [VFX supervisor] Dan Lemmon from the Apes films. We had such a great time making it, and when it eventually comes to the screen, Matt Reeves will have made another masterpiece film because he’s so super-invested in it. But yeah, I’ve been forbidden, expressly forbidden, to talk about Alfred. (Laughs.)”

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Serkis worked under the direction of Matt Reeves throughout the recent Planet of the Apes prequel trilogy, a trilogy that managed to be far, far better than anybody expected, and one that quickly cemented itself as a modern day, silver screen triumph. Serkis joins Reeves once again as part of the stacked ensemble cast recruited for The Batman, with the actor shedding his motion capture suit in favour of a regular one (and probably a moustache) as Alfred, the iconic butler and mentor to Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne.

Alfred Pennyworth has been a beloved part of Batman lore from the beginning, with the character being played on screen by a host of talented actors, including the likes of Michael Gough, Michael Caine and Jeremy Irons. So, is Serkis feeling the pressure of following such cinematic greats? “Nah,” he says with a laugh.

While Serkis is prohibited from discussing Alfred’s role in The Batman, cinematographer Greig Fraser has previously revealed that a major focus of the movie will be on the relationship between Batman and his faithful butler. “It is a character-based movie about the characters, about Andy Serkis’ character and Robert Pattinson’s character,” Fraser revealed last year. “It’s a very good script, like all of Matt’s scripts it’s very good, very well thought out.”

More specific plot details surrounding The Batman are being kept under wraps for now, but the movie has been described as a noir-driven story that will more heavily incorporate the Caped Crusader’s legendary detective skills. The story as it stands looks to center on a young Bruce Wayne during his second year of fighting crime. Bruce has become disheartened by the lack of impact he is having on crime in Gotham when suddenly a series of murders occur at the hands of The Riddler. Led down a path that will reveal dark secrets about his parents, Bruce is forced to confront the corruption going on in the shadows of his city, all while trying to catch The Riddler before he kills again. Jeffrey Wright also says this is a Gotham like no other.

The Batman is scheduled for release in the United States on March 4, 2022, having been delayed twice from an original June 2021 date due to the changes in global circumstance. This comes to us courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter.