Car-themed guitars are nothing new, but they can sometimes be a little corny. They can look odd, having been shaped to be reminiscent of the car they’re related to, or just have too much branding. But this Lexus LC Fender Stratocaster uses its automotive inspiration to its advantage and is a stylish instrument, regardless of whether you care about cars.

Right off the bat, the guitar is refreshingly free of Lexus branding, save for the plaque on the back that also bears the instrument’s serial number. But most every part of the guitar is based on the Lexus LC. Most prominent is the blue paint, which is the same Structural Blue that was offered on the LC. It gets its name from the fact that there are no blue pigments in the paint, but the materials used reflect blue light, giving it its hue. It’s used on the body as well as the head of the guitar. The body also features a carbon fiber pick guard with a weave that matches the carbon fiber used on an LC spoiler. Even the knobs were machined to look like those used on the LC’s sound system. It all comes in a case wrapped in carbon-fiber-patterned vinyl with leather ends.

There are other elements that aren’t specifically automotive. The neck is a light-stained flame maple with a dark blue fret board Fender used to complement the colors of the guitar. The fret board also features cool white inlays that glow blue in the dark.

Only 100 of these LC Stratocasters will be made. Each is priced at $6,000.

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