The newly released trailer for Hawkeye has seemingly confirmed that the Disney+ series will deal with Clint Barton’s hearing loss. Shown in the footage wearing a hearing aid, Hawkeye’s hearing loss is one of many elements being taken from the Matt Fraction comic book run that started in 2012, with the recent trailer revealing that the upcoming series will take a lot of inspiration from the celebrated Marvel comic.
In Fraction’s 22-issue series, Hawkeye loses his hearing during a battle with supervillain assassin, The Clown, with the supervillain stabbing the Avenger in both ears with his own arrows. The character has been deaf on-and-off in several different comic book runs, but Fraction was the first to make it an integral part of the story.
It is currently unknown how Barton will lose his hearing in the series, or whether it will be at the hands of The Clown, but some Marvel fans have their theories…
Clint Barton’s hearing loss is not the only element that will be taken from Fraction’s comic book arc, with the addition of Bumblebee star Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, as well as the recent trailer, confirming that at least part of the series will focus on the relationship between Bishop and Renner’s Clint Barton. Much like the comics, the former Avenger will take Bishop, who, like Barton is a highly skilled archer and martial artist, under his wing in order to pass on the Hawkeye legacy.
But that’s not all, the new superhero duo will also be joined by a third companion, Lucky the Pizza Dog. A beloved character from the comics, the charming, pizza-loving pooch was first introduced when Clint Barton saves him from the Tracksuit Mafia and names him Lucky.
Created by Jonathan Igla for Disney+, Hawkeye will drop audiences in New York City post-Blip, and follows Clint Barton, who must work together with the young Kate Bishop to confront enemies from his past as Ronin in order to get back to his family in time for Christmas.
Alongside Renner and Steinfeld, Hawkeye is also set to star Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop, mother of Steinfeld’s Kate, and Tony Dalton as Jack Duquesne AKA Swordsman, a mentor to Hawkeye who has been both a hero and a villain in the comics. Black Widow star Florence Pugh is also on board to reprise her role as Yelena Belova in the Disney+ series. The Tracksuit Mafia are unlikely to be the only new villain for the two Hawkeyes to deal with, as Fra Fee joins the MCU as Kazi, better known as Kazimierz Kazimierczak AKA The Clown. The series will also introduce Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez AKA Echo, a deaf superhero who can perfectly copy another person’s movements, and will no doubt be of great assistance to Barton as he comes to terms with his hearing loss. Echo is set to become the subject of her own spin-off Disney+ series.
Hawkeye is scheduled to premiere on November 24, 2021, and will consist of six episodes, concluding on December 29. The series will form part of Phase Four of the MCU. The recent Hawkeye trailer comes courtesy of Marvel.