The Adult Swim show Rick and Morty has gone live-action in a series of new teasers promoting the animated series, leading to a fan-made poster featuring Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland to resurface. In the actual video clips, Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) and Jaeden Martell (It, It: Chapter Two) serve as a live-action reimagining of the titular mad scientist and his timid grandson. The endgame for these teasers has yet to be revealed but there’s no indication that the live-action movie is happening for real.

In any case, the possibility of a Rick and Morty movie has renewed fan speculation over potential casting choices. There are some fans of the show who might prefer to see Robert Downey Jr. and his Avengers co-star Tom Holland in these roles instead. How this might appear was emphasized in some interesting digital artwork crafted by TechKaboom, and the fan art has reemerged on social media amid continued discussions over the potential live-action movie. You can check it out below.

RELATED: Latest Rick and Morty Live-Action Teaser Hints at Many More Adventures to Come

It’s not surprising to see that some fans are thinking about this idea. Previously, RDJ and Holland were digitally edited into footage from Back to the Future in the roles of Doc Brown and Marty McFly, respectively, for a deepfake video reimagining the classic movie. While most fans don’t want to see a Back to the Future remake, the footage had some people feeling surprisingly convinced that these two actors would be able to pull it off, if such a movie had to happen.

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Many fans will also know that Rick and Morty is a direct parody of Back to the Future, with Doc serving as the inspiration for Rick Sanchez. Of course, that made it easy for some people to accept Christopher Lloyd as a live-action Rick, as seen from the Adult Swim clips going viral. Because RDJ had seemed to oddly be a fit for Doc Brown in the Back to the Future deepfake, then by extension, some fans could see him doing just as well as Rick.

Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon created Rick and Morty for Adult Swim. Roiland voices both of the titular interdimensional travelers with the rest of the main voice cast including Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, and Sarah Chalke. The series just recently wrapped its fifth season on Adult Swim, though a sixth season is already in the works as part of a 70-episode renewal deal signed for the show in 2018.

Maybe people are just eager to see RDJ back on the screen in a main role after seemingly retiring from playing Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has since starred in Dolittle and will next appear in Jamie Foxx’s upcoming sports comedy All-Star Weekend. As for his MCU co-star Tom Holland, he’ll be back as Peter Parker once again to further fracture the multiverse in Spider-Man: No Way Home, due to hit theaters in December.

It’s unclear when season 6 of Rick and Morty will premiere, but with future seasons guaranteed, the wait shouldn’t be quite so long this time. We may not ever see the live-action movie come to fruition, but it seems likely fans will be given additional clips of Christopher Lloyd and Jaeden Martell in the roles.