DEAR JOAN: Every morning I observe a pair of squirrels climbing in our pine trees, which have been suffering for years from pine bark beetle infestation and are hanging on by a thread.

One squirrel seems to choose the dry, dead-looking branches and pine cones, while the other climbs into the newly green branches and gnaws off a green cone, also knocking down tender green growth. Poor, struggling pine trees!

Why would a squirrel eat the pine nuts in a green cone? This is an every day, morning ritual from what I have observed.

Mary Biasotti, El Sobrante

DEAR MARY: Of the two squirrels, which one do you think is smarter — the one that picks the brown pine cone or the one that picks the green?

It turns out it’s the one that chooses the green pine cone. That’s because the green cone hasn’t ripened and so those nutritional seeds the squirrels love are still inside. The brown cones likely have already dispersed their seeds.

Squirrels favor the green cones, which also store better than the brown ones, allowing wildlife to build a nice pantry for hard times.

DEAR JOAN: I have a min pin mix named Daisy Lady. She is 3 years old and is my right hand. She goes everywhere with me and I love taking her, but something has been going on for a while now that I don’t understand.

She loses control of her body when she hears loud stuff like yelling, TV or cars going by. Out of nowhere, she will hide, and her head will move up and down. She has no control of it.

When I sit with her, where she is hiding, she wants me to keep petting her. I see that’s what helps her relax but I don’t know what to do about her inability to control her body movements.

What should I do? Please, I need help.

Tonya Gonzalez, Waterford

DEAR TONYA: You need to have your dear pup checked by a veterinarian, especially as this is a new behavior.

There may be a few reasons for what you’re seeing. Dogs can have panic attacks when they hear loud noises, such as explosions, blasts and thunder. Your dog also might have an ear infection that causes her pain when she hears loud sounds. A number of other medical conditions could be responsible, including epilepsy triggered by being startled, but it will take a trained vet to uncover the cause and suggest treatments. Make an appointment now.

DEAR JOAN: I have a 4-year-old male Labradoodle, Kuma, who does not like to walk. He is very reluctant to leave the driveway if there are other walkers, with or without a dog, or cars on the street.

If my husband walks with us, he takes the leash and Kuma will follow me. If someone drives us to the park at the end of our street, Kuma will walk home with no problem. I was told that he is like the horse who will eagerly come back to the barn, but is reluctant to leave.

I have been in touch with a trainer who is willing to work with us. Cesar Milan says it’s the owner, not the dog.

Linda Yamasaki, Saratoga

DEAR LINDA: I don’t see how it’s the fault of either you or Kuma. Working with a trainer should help Kuma overcome his reluctance to leave his happy place and venture out. So will providing positive reinforcement and treats.

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